
Important dates for your Swedish company

Redovisningsdatum helps you to be reminded of important reports due for your Swedish company, automatically and free of charge, instead of monitoring them yourself.

  • Financial year 2024
    May 2 2025
    K10 appendix to Inkomstdeklaration 1 for financial year which ends during 2024 shall be submitted no later than May 2 2025
  • Financial year 2025
    May 4 2026
    K10 appendix to Inkomstdeklaration 1 for financial year which ends during 2025 shall be submitted no later than May 4 2026
  • Financial year 2026
    May 3 2027
    K10 appendix to Inkomstdeklaration 1 for financial year which ends during 2026 shall be submitted no later than May 3 2027
  • November 2024
    December 27 2024
    Periodisk sammanställning (EC list) goods and services for November 2024 shall be submitted no later than December 27 2024
  • December 2024
    January 27 2025
    Periodisk sammanställning (EC list) goods and services for December 2024 shall be submitted no later than January 27 2025
  • January 2025
    February 25 2025
    Periodisk sammanställning (EC list) goods and services for January 2025 shall be submitted no later than February 25 2025

See reporting dates for your company

Enter information for your company and see the most important reports that has to be filed to Swedish authorities*

* The service contains more reports than those available on this page.

Register free account

  • List with the most important reports to be filed for your company
  • Notification of upcoming reports by e-mail
  • Decide when and how often you want to have reminders

Report reminders – automatically and for free

Redovisningsdatum helps you to be reminded of reports due for your Swedish company, automatically and free of charge, instead of monitoring them yourself.

Reports list

List with the most important reports to be filed.

Reminder settings

Decide when and how often you want to have reminders.

E-mail reminders

Notification of upcoming reports by e-mail.


Information on which reports that have been filed.

Dates for income tax return, VAT and other important reports | Redovisningsdatum