Important dates for Enskild firma

Enskild firma (one-man business) is a form of business owned and run by one person. It is not a legal entity, which means it cannot enter into contracts, have employees, and own assets. Instead, it is the person who owns the company who is personally responsible for the company's commitments and obligations. Enskild firma must report to Skatteverket (the Swedish Tax Agency) every year.

Create report reminders for Enskild firma

Reports for Enskild firma

The owner of the Enskild firma must, after each financial year, regardless of whether any activity has been conducted in the company or not, normally submit NE-bilaga till Inkomstdeklaration 1 to Skatteverket. Enskild firma must also normally submit a number of other reports to authorities and public entities depending on the business activities of the company.

Examples of other reports that may be relevant to submit for Enskild firma:

Example of important dates for Enskild firma

Here are examples for Enskild firma with a fiscal year of January to December, which is the only available standard financial year, that reports VAT once per quarter and sells services within the EU.

  • Momsdeklaration for October - December 2023 shall be submitted to Skatteverket no later than February 12 2024. Create reminder
  • Periodisk sammanställning services for January - March 2024 shall be submitted to Skatteverket no later than April 25 2024. Create reminder
  • NE-bilaga till Inkomstdeklaration 1 for 2023 shall be submitted to Skatteverket no later than May 2 2024. Create reminder

Be reminded of the most important dates for your company