Redovisningsdatum helps you to be reminded of reports due for your company, automatically and free of charge, instead of monitoring them yourself. With the service, you can be reminded when the most important financial reports for the company are to be reported to Swedish authorities and other governmental agencies.
Reminders are easily set to be sent on one or more occasions. This is so that reports can be prepared and produced in order to be reported on time.
We also assist you in finding the right accounting service for your company, either by establishing contact with an accounting agency or by discovering services and tools to help you manage most of it yourself.
The service Redovisningsdatum is aimed at small Swedish companies that are registered in Sweden and conduct business activities. The reports in the service are those that by law must periodically be submitted to Swedish authorities and other governmental agencies where the reporting is linked to the company or directly related to the business.
There are several different forms of business structures (company form) in Sweden. The service is limited to cover the most common forms, which means 99.99% of the number of companies and other forms of business organization in Sweden.
The purpose is for the service to cover as many businesses as possible. The service does not currently cover business activities that are unusual for private companies to conduct.
The reports are shown in the service and as e-mail reminders, if you choose to have reminders enabled (reminders are enabled by default). The reports are shown in the form of the name of the report, which authority or other public actor the report is to be reported to, when the latest reporting date is and which company the report applies to.
In the service, it is possible to mark a report as done. It is then moved to the report history and its reminders are turned off.
The reports that are shown are determined on the basis of the companies added in the service and the choices made for the companies: company form, financial year, VAT reporting and more.
Updating of reports and dates is done on the basis of current legislation together with experienced accounting consultants and lawyers.
The update is made continuously in good time before the latest reporting date for fixed periods and if conditions change in legislation. In addition to changing dates, report content as well as authorities and other governmental agencies to be reported to may change. Sources for updates include public registers for reports, legal databases and bills for future laws.
We do not have all the background about your particular company and its conditions. The service is also limited to include the most common company forms and business activities. Therefore, we do not take any responsibility for the reports displayed in the service to be comprehensive regarding the reports that you as a business owner need to report to authorities and governmental agencies.
Redovisningsdatum should therefore be seen as a support in the business processes regarding economic work to streamline, improve and develop your business, and not as a complete function that provides a comprehensive effect. We always recommend, if you are unsure about the accounting of your company and business, to seek the help of an accounting consultant or other expert.
We also assist you in finding the right accounting service for your company, either by establishing contact with an accounting agency or by discovering services and tools to help you manage most of it yourself. Finding the right accounting service is about hiring an accounting firm that suits you or handling bookkeeping and accounting yourself and using various services and tools to do it efficiently.